Piyush and Rupesh have won the trophy, prize money of Rs 40 lakh and a Maruti Suzuki S-Presso. Earlier Madhuri Dixit was seen enjoying the time on the sets with Urmila as they grooved together on the popular 90’s song ‘Mujhe Pyaar Hua’ from Judaai. Mumbai: Piyush Gurbhele and his partner Rupesh Soni were announced as the winners of Dance Deewane Season 3. She will also be seen gifting a Nath (traditional nose ring) to contestant Pallavi for her remarkable dance performance. Urmila will also be seen joining them on stage and she will be enjoying the performance of the talented contestants. The contestants of the show will be seen performing spectaculars and give a glimpse of the unique dance styles. The Urmila Matondarkar special episode will be aired this weekend. The whole team of the contestants and their gurus will be seen on the sets, offers a complete recipe for entertainment. Along with them choreographers Dharmesh Yelande and Tushar Kalia will also be seen dancing. Molkki Episode spoiler Satyam implicated Virendra in Renu's murder. Madhuri Dixit has worn a beautiful pink lehenga, which she had paired the look with ethnic jewelry. Dance Deewane Promo Soomansh terrific performance wins Judges heart. Urmila is looking stunning in royal blue attire, which she had paired with statement pearls and heels. In the recent promo of the show, it is seen the actress is seen enjoying herself and having a gala time on the show. The actress will also be seen grooving along with Madhuri Dixit and the judges of the show on her hit song ‘Rangeela’. The upcoming episode of the show will be graced by the presence of the actress Urmila Matondkar and the contestants will be seen dancing on the superhit songs from the movies of the actress. The show Dance Deewane 3 is one of the most popular dance reality show on television screens.